Setting an Obtainable Weight Loss Goal
loss is a long-term process, which can become quite discouraging if you
set your goals too long range.
Your goal ought to be to lose just 2 pounds a week. If
you do so, you will have lost 100 pounds in one year! You also
will have learned to adjust your lifestyle to keep your weight under
better control. We recommend you strive to move just one
column to the left. By doing so, you will improve your overall health
and reduce stress to your joints.
If you are having difficulty losing your weight, you might consider joining a group of Overeaters Anonomyous convenient to your neighborhood and your schedule.
you have not had a personal exercise program recently, we urge you to
start slowly and gradually maintain a regular exercise schedule. Our Walking Conditioning Program
can be kept in a convenient place where you are able to track your
daily progress. Remember it is very important to see your primary care
physican for a check-up and clearance before starting.
You may click to download a copy of our article "Your Goal: Move One Column to the Left" , which includes a printable version of this chart.